Water kefir

I learned about water kefir in raw food class conducted by Ms Shima from Sesame Kitchen.
She came all the way from Hong Kong as my boss invited her here.

Water kefir contains probiotic that feeds the good bacteria in our gut.
It's easy to make: kefir grain and sugared water.

We were taught to make 1st fermentation and also to make flavoured water by 2nd fermentation.
This was 1st fermentation.

These are after 2nd fermentation.
We mixed red grape juice with water kefir on the left, and the right one is coconut kefir.
I love the red grape one as it tasted like sparkling juice. :)
The coconut one has a little stronger taste which one of my colleagues enjoyed that.

 After the 1st fermentation at home, I mixed it with apple juice for 2nd fermentation.
And today I harvested my apple flavoured 'sparkling juice'!

Look at those bubbles~


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